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The buffer pool is responsible for moving physical pages back and forth from main memory to disk. It allows a DBMS to support databases that are larger than the amount of memory available to the system. The buffer pool's operations are transparent to other parts in the system. (这里的transparent应该理解为“未察觉的,未认识到的”)

Your implementation will need to be thread-safe.

Task #1 - LRU-K Replacement Policy

借助GPT,我才勉强理解LRU-K。LRU-K算法是一种页面置换算法,用于计算机缓存中决定哪个页面应该被替换。在这个算法中,"K"代表一个数字,意味着算法会考虑到页面被访问的最后K次记录。Backward k-distance是从现在开始往前数,第k次访问此页面点时间与现在的时间差。



LRU-K Replacement Policy

You will need to implement the following methods:

  • Evict(frame_id_t* frame_id) : Evict the frame with largest backward k-distance compared to all other evictable frames being tracked by the Replacer.
  • RecordAccess(frame_id_t frame_id) : Record that given frame id is accessed at current timestamp.
  • Remove(frame_id_t frame_id) : Clear all access history associated with a frame.
  • SetEvictable(frame_id_t frame_id, bool set_evictable) : This method controls whether a frame is evictable or not. It also controls LRUKReplacer's size.
  • Size() : This method returns the number of evictable frames that are currently in the LRUKReplacer.

我使用的数据结构:两个std::list<frame_id_t>,分别用于保存访问次数小于、大于K的frame_id。std::unordered_map<frame_id_t, LRUKNode,用于保存frame_id对应的LRUKNode,其中LRUKNode包含了frame_id对应的history, is_evictable, k. 从简单到复杂,实现几个Methods:

  • Size():返回curr_size_
  • SetEvictable:修改LRUKNode的数据,维护两个std::list<frame_id_t>,修改curr_size_等信息。
  • Remove:我直接把LRUKNode删掉了,维护std::list<frame_id_t>等数据。当Buffer Pool Manager调用DeletePage时,会调用Remove,这表明Buffer Pool不再关心这个frame,所以可以直接删掉。
  • RecordAccess:修改LRUKNode中的history,维护两个std::list<frame_id_t>
  • Evict:先删去访问次数小于K的list的第一个元素(FIFO),如果访问次数都大于K,那么遍历访问次数大于K的list,找到backward k-distance最大的frame_id,然后删除这个frame_id。时间复杂度\(O(n)\)



看了下网上的一些实现,发现有些人也维护了两个std::list<frame_id_t>,但是他们对访问次数超过K的list使用了LRU算法。我认为这是不能等同于LRU-K的。举一个例子,假设K=2。现在对于frame 1, 访问时间是1, 9. 对于frame 2, 访问时间是4, 5. 现在的时间为10, 我需要Evict一个frame。如果按照LRU算法,那么frame 2会被替换,但是按照LRU-K算法,frame 1会被替换(因为frame 1的backward k-distance是10-1=9,frame 2的backward k-distance是10-4=6)所以这两个算法是不同的。我这边老老实实地\(O(N)\)遍历(曾经想用堆,但是维护堆的时间复杂度也差不多,实现起来还麻烦)

Task #2 - Disk Scheduler

The disk scheduler can be used by other components to queue disk requests, represented by a DiskRequest struct. The disk scheduler will maintain a background worker thread which is responsible for processing scheduled requests.

The disk scheduler will utilize a shared queue to schedule and process the DiskRequests. One thread will add requests to the queue, and the disk scheduler's background worker will process requests.

Disk Manager

The Disk Manager class reads and writes the page data from and to the disk. Your disk scheduler will use DiskManager::ReadPage() and DiskManager::WritePage() when it is processing a read or write request.


  • Schedule(DiskRequest r) : Schedules a request for the DiskManager to execute. The DiskRequest struct specifies whether the request is for a read/write, where the data should be written into/from, and the page ID for the operation. The DiskRequest also includes a std::promise whose value should be set to true once the request is processed.
  • StartWorkerThread() : Start method for the background worker thread which processes the scheduled requests. The worker thread is created in the DiskScheduler constructor and calls this method. This method is responsible for getting queued requests and dispatching them to the DiskManager. Remember to set the value on the DiskRequest's callback to signal to the request issuer that the request has been completed. This should not return until the DiskScheduler's destructor is called.

乍一看很高级,实际上很简单。Schedule方法就是把DiskRequest放到std::queue<DiskRequest>中,StartWorkerThread运行在 background worker thread中,死循环从std::queue<DiskRequest>中取出DiskRequest,然后调用DiskManager::ReadPage()DiskManager::WritePage(),最后设置DiskRequeststd::promise的值。直到取出std::nullopt才退出。

Task #3 - Buffer Pool Manager

The BufferPoolManager is responsible for fetching database pages from disk with the DiskScheduler and storing them in memory. The BufferPoolManager can also schedule writes of dirty pages out to disk when it is either explicitly instructed to do so or when it needs to evict a page to make space for a new page.

All in-memory pages in the system are represented by Page objects. It is important to understand that Page objects are just containers for memory in the buffer pool and thus are not specific to a unique page. The Page object's identifier (page_id) keeps track of what physical page it contains. Each Page object also maintains a counter for the number of threads that have "pinned" that page.


  • FetchPage(page_id_t page_id)
  • UnpinPage(page_id_t page_id, bool is_dirty), the is_dirty parameter keeps track of whether a page was modified while it was pinned.
  • FlushPage(page_id_t page_id): flush a page regardless of its pin status.
  • NewPage(page_id_t* page_id): should call AllocatePage
  • DeletePage(page_id_t page_id): should call DeallocatePage


  /** Number of pages in the buffer pool. */
  const size_t pool_size_;
  /** The next page id to be allocated  */
  std::atomic<page_id_t> next_page_id_ = 0;

  /** Array of buffer pool pages. */
  Page *pages_;
  /** Pointer to the disk scheduler. */
  std::unique_ptr<DiskScheduler> disk_scheduler_ __attribute__((__unused__));
  /** Pointer to the log manager. Please ignore this for P1. */
  LogManager *log_manager_ __attribute__((__unused__));
  /** Page table for keeping track of buffer pool pages. */
  std::unordered_map<page_id_t, frame_id_t> page_table_;
  /** Replacer to find unpinned pages for replacement. */
  std::unique_ptr<LRUKReplacer> replacer_;
  /** List of free frames that don't have any pages on them. */
  std::list<frame_id_t> free_list_;
  /** This latch protects shared data structures. We recommend updating this comment to describe what it protects. */
  std::mutex latch_;

Buffer Pool的本质就是Page *pages_, 一个Page数组。在这个数组里面的每一个Page object 都是一个container,用于存储从 disk读取的page。frame_id_t实际上可以直接理解为数组的下标。

这从BufferPoolManager的constructor中可以看出来: 用循环把pages_的下标放到free_list_中。

BufferPoolManager::BufferPoolManager(size_t pool_size, DiskManager *disk_manager, size_t replacer_k,
                                     LogManager *log_manager)
    : pool_size_(pool_size), disk_scheduler_(std::make_unique<DiskScheduler>(disk_manager)), log_manager_(log_manager) {
  // we allocate a consecutive memory space for the buffer pool
  pages_ = new Page[pool_size_];
  replacer_ = std::make_unique<LRUKReplacer>(pool_size, replacer_k);

  // Initially, every page is in the free list.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < pool_size_; ++i) {

接下来就可以宏观地理解Buffer Pool Manager。首先,它为什么要存在?在我看来, Buffer Pool把Disk中的page读取到内存中,这样就可以加快访问速度,减少Disk IO。它抽象了内存和Disk之间的交互,让其他模块不需要关心内存和Disk的交互细节。

如何实现Buffer Pool Manager呢?前面已经完成了基本的组件,现在只需要把它们组合起来就可以了。当Buffer Pool Manager 需要与Disk交互时,它会把DiskRequest发送给DiskScheduler,等DiskScheduler处理完毕后,DiskScheduler通知 BufferPoolManager。 Buffer Pool Manager调用LRUKReplacer的接口,记录page的访问情况,根据不同情况配置SetEvictable。 当它需要替换一个page时,它会调用LRUKReplacerEvict方法,LRUKReplacer会返回一个frame_id_t,然后Buffer Pool Manager就可以把这个frame_id_t对应的Page替换掉。

宏观上理解了Buffer Pool Manager,接下来的细节就不必多说了,GPT和Copilot在实现、测试的过程中可以起到很大的帮助。


Autograder Score
100.0 / 100.0
Passed Tests
Build.Prepare (0/0)
Build (0/0)
Build.ClangFormat (0/0)
Build.ClangTidy (0/0)
Build.RelWithDebInfo (0/0)
BufferPoolManagerTest.SchedulerCheck (0/0)
LRUKReplacerTest.SampleTest (6/6)
LRUKReplacerTest.Evict (6/6)
LRUKReplacerTest.Size (6/6)
LRUKReplacerTest.ConcurrencyTest (7/7)
DiskSchedulerTest.ScheduleWriteReadPageTest (7/7)
DiskSchedulerTest.ScheduleManyWrites (9/9)
BufferPoolManagerTest.SampleTest (2/2)
BufferPoolManagerTest.BinaryDataTest (2/2)
BufferPoolManagerTest.NewPage (2/2)
BufferPoolManagerTest.UnpinPage (2/2)
BufferPoolManagerTest.FetchPage (2/2)
BufferPoolManagerTest.DeletePage (2/2)
BufferPoolManagerTest.IsDirty (2/2)
BufferPoolManagerTest.ConcurrencyTest (3/3)
BufferPoolManagerTest.IntegratedTest (3/3)
BufferPoolManagerTest.HardTest_1 (6/6)
BufferPoolManagerTest.HardTest_2 (6/6)
BufferPoolManagerTest.HardTest_3 (6/6)
BufferPoolManagerTest.HardTest_4 (6/6)
Leaderboard.QPS.1 (5/5)
Leaderboard.QPS.2 (5/5)
Leaderboard.QPS.3 (5/5)
Leaderboard.Summary (0/0)