BN: Representation
Fall 2018的老师讲得不错,可以多听听
Conditional Independence
这里举了牙痛的例子,有三个变量:Tootheache, Cavity, Catch.
- X is conditionally independent of Y given Z: \(X \newcommand{\indep}{\perp \!\!\! \perp} \indep Y \mid Z\)
if and only if:
or, equivalently, if and only if
总之,unconditional (absolute) independence is very rare.
Conditional independence is our most basic and robust form of knowledge about uncertain environments.
Bayesian Network Representation
Representing an entire joint distribution in the memory of a computer is impractical for real problems
If we have \(n\) variables, each of which can take on \(k\) values, then we need to store \(k^n\) numbers - Impractical to store and manipulate.
Bayes nets avoid this issue by taking advantage of the idea of conditional probability.
We formally define a Bayes Net as consisting of:
- A directed acyclic graph of nodes, one per variable \(X\).
- A conditional distribution for each node \(P(X \mid A_1 \dots A_n)\), where \(A_i\) is the \(i^{th}\) parent of \(X\), stored as a conditional probability table.
It's important to remember that edges between Bayes Net nodes do not mean there is specifically a causal relationship between those nodes. It just means that there may be some relationship between the nodes.
Bayes Nets are only a type of model - with good modeling choices they can still be good enough approximations that they are useful for solving real-world problems.
Structure of Bayes Nets
Two rules for Bayes Net independences:
- Each node is conditionally independent of all its ancestor nodes in the graph, given all of its parents.
- Each node is conditionally independent of all other variables given its Markov blanket. A variable's Markov blanket consists of its parents, children, and children's other parents.