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Hidden Markov Models

Markov Models

Markov model can be thought of as analogous to a chain-like, infinite-length Bayes' net.

Our weather model will be time-dependent (as are Markov models in general)

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To track how our quantity under consideration changes over time, we need to know the following:

  • Initial Distribution: The probability of the quantity at time 0.
  • Transition Model: The probability of moving from one state to another between time steps.

The weather at time \(t = i + 1\) satisfies the Markov Property or memoryless property, and is independent of the weather at all other timesteps besides \(t = i\).

Markov models make the following assumptions:

\[ W_{i+1} \newcommand{\indep}{\perp \!\!\! \perp} \indep \left\{W_0, \ldots, W_{i-1}\right\} \mid W_i \]

This allows us to reconstruct the joint distribution:

\[ P\left(W_0, W_1, \ldots, W_n\right)=P\left(W_0\right) P\left(W_1 \mid W_0\right) P\left(W_2 \mid W_1\right) \ldots P\left(W_n \mid W_{n-1}\right)=P\left(W_0\right) \prod_{i=0}^{n-1} P\left(W_{i+1} \mid W_i\right) \]

A final assumption is that the transition model is stationary, meaning that for all values of \(i\) (all time steps): \(P\left(W_{i+1} \mid W_i\right)\) is identical.

The Mini-Forward Algorithm

By properties of marginalization, we know that

\[ P\left(W_{i+1}\right)=\sum_{w_i} P\left(w_i, W_{i+1}\right) \]

By the chain rule we can re-express this as follows:

\[ P\left(W_{i+1}\right)=\sum_{w_i} P\left(W_{i+1} \mid w_i\right) P\left(w_i\right) \]

With this equation, we can iteratively compute the distribution of the weather at any time step by starting with the initial distribution \(P\left(W_0\right)\) and using it to compute \(P\left(W_1\right)\), and so on.

Stationary Distribution


Does the probability of being in a state at a given timestep ever converge?

To solve the problem above, we must compute the stationary distribution of the Markov model.

\[ P\left(W_{t+1}\right)=P\left(W_t\right)=\sum_{w_t} P\left(W_{t+1} \mid w_t\right) P\left(w_t\right) \]

Hidden Markov Models

Hidden Markov Models allows us to observe some evidence at each time step, which can potentially affect the belief distribution at each of the states.

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Unlike vanilla Markov models, we now have two different types of nodes:

  • \(W_i\): state variable.
  • \(F_i\): evidence variable.
\[ \begin{array}{lll} F_1 & \indep W_0 \mid W_1 & \\ \forall i & =2, \ldots, n ; & W_i \indep \left\{W_0, \ldots, W_{i-2}, F_1, \ldots, F_{i-1}\right\} \mid W_{i-1} \\ \forall i & =2, \ldots, n ; & F_i \indep \left\{W_0, \ldots, W_{i-1}, F_1, \ldots, F_{i-1}\right\} \mid W_i \end{array} \]

Hidden Markov Models make the following assumptions:

  • The transition model \(P\left(W_{i+1} \mid W_i\right)\) is stationary.
  • The sensor model \(P\left(F_i \mid W_i\right)\) is also stationary.

Believe Distribution

All evidence \(F_1, \ldots, F_i\) is observed up to date:

\[ B\left(W_i\right)=P\left(W_i \mid f_1, \ldots, f_i\right) \]

Evidence \(f_1, \ldots, f_{i-1}\) is observed:

\[ B'\left(W_i\right)=P\left(W_i \mid f_1, \ldots, f_{i-1}\right) \]

Defining \(e_i\) as evidence observed at timestep \(i\), you might see the aggregated evidence from timesteps \(1 \leq i \leq t\) reexpressed in the form:

\[ e_{1: t}=e_1, \ldots, e_t \]

The Forward Algorithm

Relationship between \(B\left(W_i\right)\) and \(B'\left(W_{i + 1}\right)\):

\[ B^{\prime}\left(W_{i+1}\right)=\sum_{w_i} P\left(W_{i+1} \mid w_i\right) B\left(w_i\right) \]

Relationship between \(B'\left(W_{i+1}\right)\) and \(B\left(W_{i+1}\right)\):

\[ B\left(W_{i+1}\right) \propto P\left(f_{i+1} \mid W_{i+1}\right) B^{\prime}\left(W_{i+1}\right) \]

Combining the two relationships we've just derived yields an iterative algorithm known as the forward algorithm, the Hidden Markov Model analog of the mini-forward algorithm from earlier:

\[ B\left(W_{i+1}\right) \propto P\left(f_{i+1} \mid W_{i+1}\right) \sum_{w_i} P\left(W_{i+1} \mid w_i\right) B\left(w_i\right) \]

The forward algorithm can be thought of as consisting of two distinctive steps:

  1. Time elapse update: determining \(B'\left(W_{i+1}\right)\) from \(B\left(W_i\right)\).
  2. Observation update: determining \(B\left(W_{i+1}\right)\) from \(B'\left(W_{i+1}\right)\).

Viterbi Algorithm

\(\arg \max _{x_{1: N}} P\left(x_{1: N} \mid e_{1: N}\right)\)

What is the most likely sequence of hidden states the system followed given the observed evidence variables so far?