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ML: Optimization


In general though, a closed form solution may not exist for a given objective function. In cases like that we have to use gradient-based methods to find the optimal weights.


The idea behind this is that the gradient points towards the direction of steepest increase of the objective. We maximize a function by moving towards the steepest ascent, and we minimize a function by moving towards the steepest descent direction.

Gradient Ascent is used if the objective is a function which we want to maximize.

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Gradient Descent is used if the objective is a loss function that we are trying to minimize.

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At the beginning, we initialize the weights randomly.

We denote the learning rate, which captures the size of the steps we make towards the gradient direction, with \(\alpha\).

  • Learning rate decay: Start gradient descent with a relatively large learning rate and reduce the learning rate as the number of iterations increases.

If our dataset has a large number of \(n\) data points then computing the gradient as above in each iteration of the gradient descent algorithm might be too computationally intensive.

As such, approaches like stochastic and batch gradient descent have been proposed.