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Uninformed Search

State Spaces and Search Problems

search problem

Given our agent's current state, how can we arrive a new state that satisfies its goal in the best possible way?

A search problem consists of:

  • A state space: The set of all possible states that are possible in your given world.
  • A set of actions available in each state.
  • A transition model: Outputs the next state when a specific action is taken in a specific state.
  • An action cost
  • A start state
  • A goal test: A function that takes a state as input, and determines whether it is a goal state.

State Space Size

fundamental counting principle

If there are \(n\) variable objects in a given world which can take on \(x_1\), \(x_2\), ..., \(x_n\) values respectively, then the total number of states is \(x_1 \times x_2 \times \cdots \times x_n\).

State Space Graph and Search Tree

  • A state space graph is constructed with states representing nodes, with directed edges existing from a state to its children. These edges represent actions, and any associated weights represent the cost of performing the corresponding action.
  • Search trees: entire path(or plan) from the start state to the given state in the state space graph.




When we have no knowledge of the location of goal states in our search tree, we are forced to select our strategy for tree search from one of the techniques that falls under the umbrella of uninformed search.

Some rudimentary properties:

  • completeness: if there exists a solution, is the strategy guaranteed to find it given infinite computational resources?
  • optimality: is the strategy guaranteed to find the lowest-cost path to a goal state?
  • branching factor \(b\): The increase in the number of nodes on the frontier, each time a frontier node is expanded is \(O(b)\).
  • At depth \(k\) in the search tree, there are \(O(b^k)\) nodes.
  • The maximum depth \(m\).
  • The depth of the shallowest solution \(s\).
  • Description: Always selects the deepest frontier node from the start node for expansion.
  • Frontier Representation: To implement DFS, we require a structure that always gives the most recently added objects highest priority. A (LIFO) stack does this.
  • Completeness: DFS is not complete.
  • Optimality: DFS is not optimal.
  • Time Complexity: \(O(b^m)\)
  • Space Complexity: \(O(bm)\)
  • Description: Always selects the shallowest frontier node from the start node for expansion.
  • Frontier Representation: We desire a structure that outputs the oldest enqueued object to represent our frontier - a FIFO queue.
  • Completeness: BFS is complete.
  • Optimality: BFS is generally not optimal.
  • Time Complexity: \(O(b^s)\)
  • Space Complexity: \(O(b^s)\)


  • Description: Always selects the lowest-cost frontier node from the start node for expansion.
  • Frontier Representation: A heap-based priority queue.
  • Completeness: UCS is complete.
  • Optimality: UCS is optimal if all costs are non-negative.
  • Time Complexity: \(O(b^{C^*/\epsilon})\)
    • \(C^*\) is the cost of the optimal solution.
    • \(\epsilon\) is the minimum cost of any action.
  • Space Complexity: \(O(b^{C^*/\epsilon})\)