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目的:当 kernel panic 的时候能够打印出 backtrace 信息



stack 从高地址向低地址增长,在这个图是从上到下的方向。而 backtrace 是从最 low 的 stack 开始(也就是最新的、刚刚发生 panic 的 stack),从下往上遍历所有 stack。

大概思路有了之后,跟着 hints 把实验做完

Add the prototype for backtrace to kernel/defs.h so that you can invoke backtrace.

// defs.h
void            backtrace(void);

这里告诉我们怎么提取ra(return address)和上一个栈的fp

Xv6 allocates one page for each stack in the xv6 kernel at PAGE-aligned address. You can compute the top and bottom address of the stack page by using PGROUNDDOWN(fp) and PGROUNDUP(fp). These number are helpful for backtrace to terminate its loop.


    // 获取当前的fp
  uint64 fp = r_fp();
    // 因为栈是从高地址向低地址增长的,所以应该使用PGROUNDUP获得stack底部
  uint64 stack_page_bottom = PGROUNDUP(fp);
  while (fp != stack_page_bottom) {
        // return address
    printf("%p\n", *(uint64 *)(fp - 8));
        // previous frame pointer
    fp = *(uint64 *)(fp - 16);


  • add a new sigalarm(interval, handler) system call
  • If an application calls sigalarm(n, fn), then after every n "ticks" of CPU time that the program consumes, the kernel should cause application function fn to be called.
  • When fn returns, the application should resume where it left off.

invoke handler

Update user/ (which generates user/usys.S), kernel/syscall.h, and kernel/syscall.c to allow alarmtest to invoke the sigalarm and sigreturn system calls

  • user/usys.plGenerate usys.S, the stubs for syscalls. 有了 stub,用户程序的系统调用请求就可以被转发到内核,以便执行相应的系统调用

Your sys_sigalarm() should store the alarm interval and the pointer to the handler function in new fields in the proc structure.

You'll need to keep track of how many ticks have passed since the last call to a process's alarm handler; you'll need a new field in struct proc for this too. You can initialize proc fields in allocproc() in proc.c.

When a trap on the RISC-V returns to user space, what determines the instruction address at which user-space code resumes execution?

这是一个非常重要的提示:当 RISC-V 从 kernel 返回 user space 的时候

…returning to user space…setting sepc to the previously saved user program counter


// save user program counter.
p->trapframe->epc = r_sepc();


// set S Exception Program Counter to the saved user pc.

所以只要修改p->trapframe->epc,就可以控制 user space 代码 resumes execution 的位置

最开始的时候,用户需要调用 system call -- sigalarm 来配置、激活 alarm。

没啥好说的,配置struct proc中 alarm 相关的 fields 即可

sysproc.c, sys_sigalarm
  // get ticks in a0 and handler function in a1
  int ticks;
  if (argint(0, &ticks) < 0)
    return -1;

  uint64 handler;
  if (argaddr(1, &handler) < 0)
    return -1;

  struct proc *p = myproc();

  if (ticks == 0 && handler == 0) {
    // disable alarm
    p->alarm_interval = p->alarm_handler_addr = p->alarm_ticks_left = 0;
    return 0;

  p->alarm_interval = ticks;
  p->alarm_handler_addr = handler;
  p->alarm_ticks_left = ticks;
  return 0;

当用户调用sigalarm之后,仅仅是把struct proc里面的几个 fields 的值改了一下而已。

所以还需要在发生 timer interrupt 的时候,根据该进程的 alarm 信息,进行对应的处理

kernel/trap.c, usertrap
  // give up the CPU if this is a timer interrupt.
  if(which_dev == 2) {
    if (p->alarm_interval > 0) {
      if (--p->alarm_ticks_left == 0 && p->handler_executing == 0) {
        p->alarm_ticks_left = p->alarm_interval;

        // save original trapframe
        memmove(p->alarm_trapframe, p->trapframe, sizeof(struct trapframe));

        p->trapframe->epc = p->alarm_handler_addr;
        p->handler_executing = 1;
  • 检查是否开启 alarmif (p->alarm_interval > 0)如果开启:
  • --p->alarm_ticks_left减小倒计时。如果倒计时变成 0:
    • reset 倒计时
    • p->trapframe->epc = p->alarm_handler_addr;这样返回到 user space 时的 PC 就是 alarm handler 的地址

后续要求:when the alarm handler is done, control returns to the instruction at which the user program was originally interrupted by the timer interrupt

接下来根据 hints 继续解释代码

user alarm handlers are required to call the sigreturn system call when they have finished.

Have usertrap save enough state in struct proc when the timer goes off that sigreturn can correctly return to the interrupted user code.

上面usertrap的代码中,memmove(p->alarm_trapframe, p->trapframe, sizeof(struct trapframe));把进程原本的p->trapframe保存到一个新增的 field:alarm_trapframe,备份了之后,我们就可以对p->trapframe为所欲为了,因为p->trapframe会在sigreturn中被恢复。

Prevent re-entrant calls to the handler----if a handler hasn't returned yet, the kernel shouldn't call it again.

加一个标志位即可:如果进入了 alarm handler,就把p->handler_executing设为 1,handler 执行结束后调用的sigreturn会把p->handler_executing重新置 0。每次 timer interrupt 都需要检查p->handler_executing是否为 0.

resume interrupted code

  struct proc *p = myproc();
  memmove(p->trapframe, p->alarm_trapframe, sizeof(struct trapframe));
  p->handler_executing = 0;
  return 0;

恢复之前备份好的数据,把标志位设为 0 即可。
